pricing for ConnectWise ScreenConnect

ConnectWise ScreenConnect Pricing: How much does ConnectWise ScreenConnect cost you?

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ConnectWise ScreenConnect

ConnectWise ScreenConnect is a powerful remote support and access solution designed for secure and reliable IT troubleshooting and management across devices.

ConnectWise ScreenConnect
Pricing Overview
ConnectWise ScreenConnect pricing ranges from approximately $24 to $60 per month, depending on the plan and number of licenses.
For Individual
Remote Support One
For All Teams
Remote Support Standard
For All Teams
Remote Support Premium
For All Teams
Remote Unattended Access
Free Trial
Annual Subscription
Implementation Support

Spendflo Score

Spendflo Score is a computed measure of all SaaS tools' financial and procurement health indicators. It helps make data-driven decisions about software investments.

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Tampa, Florida
Remote Desktop Software and Remote Support Solutions
Frequently Asked Questions

What is ConnectWise ScreenConnect?

ConnectWise ScreenConnect is a remote access and support tool that allows IT professionals to connect to and control devices remotely, providing support, troubleshooting, and management for users and systems.

How much does ConnectWise ScreenConnect Cost?

ConnectWise ScreenConnect offers various pricing plans starting at $30 per month per technician. Pricing varies based on the number of technicians and features required. For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, it's best to visit their website or contact their sales team.

Is ConnectWise the same as ScreenConnect?

On May 15, 2023, ConnectWise Control was rebranded back to ConnectWise ScreenConnect.

How does ScreenConnect work?

It acts as a meeting point for technicians and customers, enabling them to receive solutions without phone or chat sessions. The solution's remote support allows users to remotely view and control devices, servers or workstations.

What port does ConnectWise ScreenConnect use?

TCP Ports 8040 and 8041 forwarded to the ConnectWise ScreenConnect server (for alternate ports, refer to ScreenConnect's Changing Default Ports documentation. If using a ConnectWise ScreenConnect Cloud server, port 443 is required.

How many employees does ConnectWise have?

ConnectWise, which has more than 3,100 colleagues globally, was founded in Tampa in 1982.

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