pricing for Cledara

Cledara Pricing: How much does Cledara cost you?

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Cledara provides a comprehensive platform for managing software and subscription expenses. With automated tracking, reporting, and optimization features, Cledara helps businesses control costs and maximize the value of their software investments.

Pricing Overview
Cledara offers transparent pricing plans, including subscription options with flexible billing cycles and pricing based on usage and features.
For Small Teams
For Enterprises
For Scaling Teams
Free Trial
Annual Subscription
Implementation Support

Spendflo Score

Spendflo Score is a computed measure of all SaaS tools' financial and procurement health indicators. It helps make data-driven decisions about software investments.

Preference score
Sentiment score
Discount availability
Ease of Procurement
London, United Kingdom1819202122
Subscription Management
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cledara?

Cledara is a comprehensive platform designed to simplify and automate SaaS management, procurement, and financial operations. It offers features such as vendor management, spending control, expense tracking, and subscription optimization to help businesses manage their SaaS spend effectively. Cledara aims to provide transparency, efficiency, and cost savings in SaaS procurement and management.

Can Cledara integrate with other software systems?

Yes, Cledara offers integration capabilities to connect with other software systems commonly used in procurement, finance, and business operations. It supports integrations with accounting software, expense management tools, procurement platforms, and payment gateways, enabling seamless data synchronization and workflow automation across different applications.

Who is Cledara best suited for?

Cledara is best suited for businesses of all sizes and industries that rely on SaaS applications for their operations and require a centralized platform to manage their SaaS spend efficiently. It caters to finance teams, procurement managers, IT administrators, and business professionals responsible for SaaS procurement, expense management, and financial governance.

What security measures does Cledara have in place?

Cledara prioritizes data security and employs robust measures to protect sensitive financial information. This includes data encryption, access controls, user authentication, and compliance with industry standards such as GDPR and SOC 2, ensuring data privacy and regulatory compliance. Additionally, Cledara undergoes regular security assessments and audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Does Cledara offer a free plan

Yes, Cledara offers a free plan, but you must pay for at least five tools in the first month to qualify. If you don't meet this condition, the Basic plan costs $100 per month. Cledara also offers a free demo and discount.

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