Top 6 Ways to Streamline your IT Procurement Process
Published on:
April 10, 2024
Ajay Ramamoorthy
Senior Content Marketer
Karthikeyan Manivannan
Head of Visual Design
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Is streamlining your IT procurement process really going to make a big difference in efficiency and cost savings?

A lot of procurement professionals aren't sure when they should invest time and resources into optimizing their processes. It can seem like a big, complex undertaking without a clear payoff.Instead of just crossing your fingers and hoping that new strategies and tools will magically boost performance, we recommend first checking if your company is dealing with any of these three common pain points:

1️.Your procurement process is all over the place: If your systems aren't talking to each other, data is scattered, and everything feels disconnected, it's going to be tough to make smart, buying decisions. Plus, all those manual handoffs and clunky workflows are frustrating for everyone involved and really hurt productivity.

2️.Procurement is seen as a roadblock, not a strategic partner: How procurement is perceived within the company says a lot about how well it's performing. If business stakeholders see procurement as a bureaucratic bottleneck instead of a strategic ally, it's an uphill battle from the start.

3️.Your team is always putting out fires instead of focusing on strategic initiatives: If procurement is stuck in reactive mode, just trying to keep up with the day-to-day, it's hard to find time to really drive innovation, optimize spend, and support bigger business goals.

Sound familiar? If so, streamlining your IT procurement process could be the answer.

But here's the thing: just throwing new tech or best practices at the problem won't cut it. You need to dig in and figure out the root causes of inefficiency in your current process, then make targeted improvements from there. That's easier said than done, which is why we created this blog that consistently helps you turn clunky, underperforming IT procurement functions into agile, strategic partners to the business. In this post, we'll break down:

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IT Procurement: What is it and Why do you Need a Streamlined Process?

IT Procurement is the strategic process of sourcing, evaluating, and acquiring the necessary software, and services from external vendors to support an organization's IT infrastructure, operations, and business objectives while optimizing costs, mitigating risks, and ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations.

A streamlined IT procurement process is crucial for organizations because it:

  1. Enhances efficiency by standardizing procedures and automating workflows
  2. Optimizes costs through strategic sourcing, volume discounts, and negotiated contracts
  3. Mitigates risks associated with vendor selection and product performance
  4. Facilitates rapid adoption of new technologies to meet changing business needs
  5. Ensures compliance with industry standards, regulations, and internal guidelines
  6. Aligns IT investments with business goals to drive organizational success

Why is the Traditional Approach to the IT Procurement Process Flawed?

The typical IT procurement process often follows a familiar pattern:

  • Gather requirements from various departments and stakeholders
  • Research potential vendors and solutions based on those requirements
  • Send out RFPs and evaluate responses based on cost and feature checklists
  • Select a vendor and negotiate contracts

The result? An IT procurement process that is often disconnected from the organization's broader strategic goals, leading to solutions that may meet immediate needs but fail to drive long-term value. The fundamental issue is that this approach treats procurement as a transactional, one-size-fits-all process rather than a strategic, value-driven one. This is problematic because not every IT purchase has the same impact on the business. Some investments may be critical for driving innovation and competitive advantage, while others may be more routine or tactical in nature. By applying the same procurement approach across the board, organizations risk over-investing in low-value purchases while under-investing in strategic ones.

Moreover, the traditional IT procurement process often fails to account for the full lifecycle costs and benefits of an IT investment. It may prioritize short-term cost savings over long-term total cost of ownership (TCO), or overlook important factors like vendor support, scalability, and interoperability.

Traditional IT procurement process

If these considerations aren't carefully weighed upfront, the organization may end up with a solution that appears cost-effective initially but ends up draining resources and hampering agility in the long run.

The Solution – IT Procurement Performance Optimization Framework

In response, we've created the Procurement Performance Optimization Framework – a practical, step-by-step process that we've used to transform IT procurement functions for dozens of clients.Unlike the traditional approach to IT procurement, the first step of our framework is aligning procurement with the organization's broader IT strategy and architecture. 

Modern IT Procurement Process

When we say that the procurement process is streamlined, we're talking about breaking down silos between IT procurement and other functions, and creating a seamless flow of information and activities from requirement definition to contract management.This visual framework is designed to show procurement professionals how to structure their process, but also helps them see where collaboration and strategic decision-making should take place.

Exact Step-by-Step Process to Deploy The IT Procurement Performance Optimization Framework

Step 1: Align with IT Strategy & Architecture 

We often find that many IT procurement processes are poorly aligned with the organization's broader IT strategy and architecture, leading to solutions that may meet immediate needs but fail to drive long-term value. Specifically, most IT procurement efforts are very reactive, focusing on fulfilling ad-hoc requests rather than proactively shaping the technology landscape to enable business objectives.

To solve this problems, here's the approach we use to align procurement with IT strategy:

1. Understand the organization's IT roadmap and strategic priorities

2. Map current and future technology needs to business capabilities 

3. Identify gaps and opportunities in the existing IT landscape

4. Define procurement's role in enabling the target state architecture

Step 2: Collaborate with Stakeholders

If your IT procurement process operates in a silo, it's nearly impossible to deliver solutions that meet the needs of the business. That's why the next critical step in our framework is collaborating with key stakeholders to identify strategic priorities and detailed requirements. In an effort to streamline the process, many procurement teams limit stakeholder engagement to a brief requirements gathering exercise at the start of a sourcing event. The problem with this approach is that it often results in a shallow understanding of the business need and a lack of buy-in from the ultimate users of the solution. To give stakeholders a meaningful voice in the process, we believe the most important elements of collaboration are joint solutioning sessions and continuous alignment touchpoints.
So, let's dig into how the best IT procurement teams can get these elements right.

  • Joint Solutioning Sessions

An effective joint solutioning session for a strategic IT procurement should address 4 key questions:

1. What are the critical business objectives this solution needs to support?

2. How will this fit into our overall IT landscape and roadmap?

3. What are the key functional and nonfunctional requirements?

4. How will we measure the success and value of this investment?

  • Continuous Alignment Touchpoints

Many procurement teams engage stakeholders heavily upfront, but then go radio-silent until it's time to present the selected vendor. This not only creates a blind spot in terms of evolving requirements, but it also breeds mistrust and skepticism about procurement's ability to deliver. If stakeholders feel like they've been cut out of the process, they're far less likely to embrace the chosen solution with open arms. To keep everyone aligned and engaged, we recommend establishing a regular cadence of touchpoints throughout the procurement lifecycle. 

This could include:

- Weekly status updates to share progress and gather feedback

- Mid-point check-ins to validate requirements and evaluation criteria

- Demos or proof-of-concepts to give stakeholders a tangible sense of the solutions

- Readout sessions to walk through the final recommendation and rationale

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Step 3: Evaluate Solutions Holistically With TPRA Analysis

A Threat, Passivity, Risk, and Attractiveness (TPRA) analysis is a strategic way to evaluate and compare potential vendors during the IT procurement process. It provides a structured approach to assess each vendor across four key dimensions, helping procurement teams make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks.

Here's what you should know about each component of the TPRA analysis:

Threat: The threat component of TPRA assesses the potential risks or negative impacts a vendor could pose to your organization. 

TPRA Analysis

Passivity: Passivity refers to the level of responsiveness and proactivity demonstrated by the vendor. It assesses how engaged and committed the vendor is to meeting your organization's needs. 

IT procurement process Passivity Analysis

Risk: The risk component assesses the potential downsides or uncertainties associated with choosing a particular vendor. 

IT procurement process- Risk Analysis

Attractiveness: Attractiveness assesses the potential benefits and value a vendor can bring to your organization. 

IT procurement process- Attractivenss Analysis

This helps procurement teams identify the vendors that offer the best balance of low risk, high engagement, and strong value potential.

Step 4: Select Best-Fit Solution & Establish Strategic Partnership

Armed with a holistic view of value and a deep understanding of each solution, procurement is well-positioned to make a strategic, value-driven selection. However, this is where many teams drop the ball, by treating vendor selection as the end of the process rather than the beginning of a partnership. For example, they might focus all their energy on squeezing out the lowest possible price, without investing in the relationship and governance structures needed for long-term success. Or they might hand off the solution to the business and wash their hands of any ongoing responsibility.

To set the stage for a successful implementation and lasting value, we believe the most important elements of vendor selection are a win-win contracting approach and a partnership mindset.

  • Win-Win Contracting

An effective contracting approach for strategic IT solutions should balance 4 key objectives:

1. How can we structure the contract to minimize downside risk and ensure vendor accountability?

2. How can we build in the flexibility to adapt to changing business needs and technologies over time?

4. How can we keep the contract as streamlined and user-friendly as possible, without sacrificing key protections?

  • Partnership Mindset

Your role doesn’t end once the contract is signed. You can’t hand off the solution to the business and move on to the next sourcing event. If you don't stay engaged and invested in the ongoing success of the solution, you miss out on countless opportunities to drive incremental value and mitigate risks over the life of the contract.

To build a true partnership with strategic vendors, we recommend a proactive, hands-on approach that includes:

- Joint governance committees to monitor performance and drive continuous improvement

- Regular business reviews to align on priorities and identify opportunities for innovation

- Collaborative problem-solving to address any issues or roadblocks that arise

- Proactive risk monitoring and mitigation planning

Further Reading:

  1. 10 Best SaaS Procurement Software For Your Business
  2. Negotiating SaaS contracts: 5 best practices
  3. Strategic Spend Management: CFO's Essential Toolkit

Step 5: Implement & Integrate

Once the contract is signed and the partnership is established, it's time to bring the solution to life. However, this is where many procurement teams fumble the handoff, by assuming that their job is done once the purchase order is issued.

To ensure a smooth and successful implementation, try addressing these 4 dimensions:

1. What are the specific deliverables and milestones associated with the implementation?

2. What is the overall timeline and critical path for the implementation?  

3. What internal and external resources are needed to execute the plan, and how will they be managed?

4. What are the key risks and dependencies associated with the implementation, and how will they be mitigated?

Step 6: Continuously Optimize & Drive Value

By following the steps in our framework, procurement can deliver a strategic IT solution that is well-aligned with business needs, rigorously vetted, and set up for success. However, the journey doesn't end there. To truly maximize the value of the investment over time, the IT procurement process needs to shift from a one-time sourcing mindset to an ongoing category management approach. This means proactively monitoring the solution's performance, identifying opportunities for optimization, and driving continuous improvement in partnership with the vendor and the business.

Here are some of the key activities that should be part of a continuous optimization mindset:

- Regular performance reviews against SLAs and KPIs

- Joint innovation sessions to identify new value-creation opportunities 

- Competitive benchmarking and market intelligence gathering

- Proactive risk monitoring and mitigation

- Ongoing training and change reinforcement

- Value realization tracking and reporting

This not only maximizes the ROI of the initial investment, but also positions procurement as a strategic partner that is deeply invested in the success of the organization.

Streamline Your IT Procurement Process

The traditional approach to the IT procurement process is broken. By focusing solely on short-term cost savings and reactive, transactional sourcing, procurement teams are leaving massive value on the table and contributing to a fragmented, suboptimal technology landscape. To truly deliver on the promise of the strategic SaaS procurement process, teams need to adopt a new mindset and a new way of working. They need to start with a deep understanding of business needs and priorities, and then collaborate with stakeholders throughout the procurement lifecycle to deliver solutions that drive long-term value.

By following the step-by-step approach outlined in our Procurement Performance Optimization Framework, procurement teams can transform their impact and become true strategic partners to the business. It's not easy, but it's worth it. The time for incremental change is over. The future of the IT procurement process is here, and it's time to seize it.

What should you do now?

Whenever you're ready, here are a couple of ways Spendflo can help you transform your IT procurement process :

1. Claim your free saving analysis plan:  If you'd like to work with us to turn your procurement team into a strategic business partner, claim your FREE saving analysis plan from our top SaaS procurement experts

2. If you’d like to learn the exact IT Procurement process and strategies we use for free, go to our blog or visit our resources section, where you can download guides, calculators, and templates we use for our most successful customers.

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$2 Million
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